November 2021 Newsletter

November 5, 2021

With congratulations we announce the resignation of our President Karen Macdonald as she concludes two years at the helm of LLCRAS. The pandemic made for challenging times and having to learn new ways to fundraise and engage the community. Her “team work makes the dream work” motto was enthusiastically received, motivating many to attend regular work bees and donate items for upcycling. Karen’s commitment to fire smarting the hall grounds blossomed into a whimsical community trail and the Hook, Wine & Sinker store featuring local artists. Her insight and enthusiasm brought many creative ideas to fruition that will benefit our community for years to come. We are inspired by her dedication and commitment even in adversity and look forward to continuing to work with her as she remains involved as a volunteer with the art committee, fire smarting, community trail and HW&S store. Karen will be spending some much needed quality time with her family, spoiling her grandchildren and taking more art classes.

As of October 28th the Community Hall is closed until further notice as renovations finally have gotten underway!! We are excited to see the new windows installed, generously donated by Shayne May and Lindsay May (Mountain Glass & Mirror in Pemberton, BC).

At this time we feel the members have a right to know that a member requested the Board of Officers & Directors minutes of the meeting for the past year and the current register of members with contact information as allowed under Sections 25 and 27 of the Societies Act. While we take members privacy seriously and are aware that our volunteer canvassers past and present may have promised members information would remain confidential, we are however bound by the new Societies Act. As it states in the Societies Act the information obtained from the inspection of the register of members will not be used except as permitted under subsection (7).*1

*1 (7) A person who has inspected the register of members under this section must not use the information obtained from the inspection except in connection with (a) the requisitioning or calling of a general meeting under section 75 [requisition of general meeting],

(b) the submission of a proposal under section 81 [members’ proposals],

(c) the calling of a general meeting under section 138 [filling vacancy in office of liquidator], or

(d) an effort to influence the voting of members

At this time the member has not disclosed the specific reason or purpose for requesting this information.

LLCRAS was also recently served a Dispute Notice via the Civil Resolution Tribunal by a member. The Dispute Claim against LLCRAS is in regards to our ability to use electronic elections during the pandemic. Even though we are in the process of updating our bylaws, it has not been ratified by the members to date. The Board has contacted the Societies registry representatives for clarification multiple times however the information we received over the last month has been evolving with changing legislation. We reached out to the member who filed the claim in an effort to resolve the issue, however the parties’ interpretation differs. As such both parties agreed to move forward with the tribunal and request clarification on the issue.

Our Honey Fundraiser has sold out, thank you for all the support!! Mo Bradley Raffle raised $1,320.00!!

We would like to congratulate our Photo Contest Winners and everyone who submitted photos. We thank the Judges (Stephanie Nicoll-Russell, Anne Peltier, Kevin Woronchak) who had the difficult task of choosing the winning photos from all the fantastic entries. View all the winners and submission here.

Please help support our last fundraiser for the year and order your 2022 Photo Contest Community Calendar.

Bylaws and Name Change Update: We have received several submissions from members and the Bylaw Committee is actively working to incorporate these changes into the final draft to bring back to the membership for discussion. There will be no name change based on the concerns from members of removing “agricultural” from the name.

The Annual General Meeting and Elections of Officers and Directors scheduled for November 12th, 2021 have been postponed due to the hall closure for renovations and waiting for CRT clarification on the dispute. LLCRAS has been granted an extension until Nov. 1st of 2022 within which to hold our 2021 AGM. A new date, to be determined. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

LLCRAS, Officers and Directors
