May 2021 Newsletter



COVID-19 has restricted our ability to host regular community events and general meetings since October 30th, 2020.  Under BC’s Restart Plan as of June 15th we may resume outdoor personal gatherings of up to fifty (50) people.  We are happy to report we will hold a general membership meeting on Thursday, June 17th, 2021 @ 7:00 pm.  Thank you all for your patience.  Items for the agenda must be submitted prior to the meeting to


The Grant Committee has submitted applications to the TNRD for Gas Tax funding for upgrades to the Community Hall.  These include kitchen area including a stove ventilation system with fire suppression, janitor’s room, bathrooms, window installation, addition of insulation to the attic, and construction of a new bar area.  The Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) application is for funds to purchase a commercial dishwasher, a sliding door fridge in the new bar area and labour and material costs to paint the interior of the Hall.  We haven’t heard the outcome of these applications, as they remain under review.  The intake period for grant requests made to the TNRD is in the spring and fall, and is administered according to its policies.  The NDIT application will require the approval of the TNRD Board of Directors once it has been reviewed by NDIT staff.


LLCRAS continues to recognize Loon Lake Volunteers. Team Work Makes the Dream Work!!  February – Hats off to Susanne Kavalec who painted well over 85 Loon Lake Love heart signs in the month of February, and continues to share the love each and every day to Loon Lakers.  Along with her husband, Doug, they delivered these signs in icy and snowy winter conditions.  LLCRAS continues to sprinkle these signs around the community, most recently in the subdivision.  Some people have taken to making their own heart signs and sharing them with neighbours; that’s a lot of love.  LLCRAS suggests you spray a coat of varathane on your signs now and every year after to prolong the life of these beautiful signs.

March:  Narda Finlayson designed, printed and gifted the Adam Plottel Art raffle tickets.  Narda has done the same with the upcoming Mo Bradley Fishing Raffle launching on June 1st.   She is also donating her lovely embroidered, tea/hand/doggy towels to LLCRAS.  Big thank you Narda for your continued support.

April:   Louise Hanson has been donating her artwork and other items to our Loon Lake Community Trail.  Thank you very much Louise for all your creativity, enthusiasm and incredible art work that Loon Lakers will be able to enjoy for years to come.

Work Bee:   Volunteers were recently gifted wood art pieces, which were donated by our art committee to show how much we appreciate their support.  Our volunteer gifts have been donated by many in the community.

Donations:  In addition to many items being procured by our Art/ Trail Committees, LLCRAS has recently received generous donations from Jeff Tomey at Coyote Valley Contracting, Mike Mcbeth at MJM Contracting as well as discounts at The Horse Barn and Peavey Mart.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Please find the following reports attached to this email:

  • Balance Sheet as of April 30, 2021
  • Income Statement from October 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021



October 2020:  Total Cards – 8, Get well – 3, Thinking of you – 1, Miss you (moving) – 3, Congratulations 1
November 2020:  Total Cards – 8, Sympathy – 3, Get well – 2, Thank you – 2, Miss you – 1
December 2020:  Total Cards – 0
January 2021:  Total Cards – 5, Sympathy – 2, Get well – 2, Welcome – 1
February 2021:  Total Cards – 3, Thinking of you – 1, Thank you – 2
March 2021:  Total Cards – 5, Get well – 3, Thinking of you – 1, Thank you – 1
April 2021:  Total Cards – 6, Get well – 3, Thinking of you – 1, Thank you – 1, Sympathy – 1

MEMBERSHIP: Cathie Johnstone reported as of April 30, 2021 we have 179 Paid Members, 3 Associate Members and 9 Life Members.   To compare with 2020 – we had 234 Paid Members, 9 Life Members & 4 Associate Members.  Kelly Allen is no longer able to volunteer with the Membership Committee.  We’d like to thank Kelly for her service and wish her well.

HISTORY REPORT:   Brenda Borri – “I was given a really neat picture from back in the 50’s I think and it’s when logs were towed up and down the lake.  I would love a couple pictures of where they started from and where they were headed to for processing.  I know there was a small mill at the ranch way back when…. I’m guessing the 50’s or 60’s.  I believe it was Bakers ranch at the time.   If you could put that out to Members, I would appreciate it.”


New Firehall – As most already know, all bids that came in were well over the budgeted amount. We are exploring other options at this time to keep the build within budget. We have all seen how much construction material costs have skyrocketed and are still working on having the construction start this year.


Members attended a medical call with BC Ambulance for a quad roll-over and cardiac.


Training is ongoing as required to maintain compliance.

As we are deemed an essential service, any activities related to the function and delivery of service to our customers, allows our members who live outside of our health region to travel to Loon Lake to participate in these activities.

Stay Safe
Daryl Hart
Fire Chief
Loon Lake FD


Adam Plottel Art Fundraiser – As of May 19th, 356 tickets have been sold, for a total of $1,780.00 in proceeds for this raffle.   Draw date August 1st, 2021.  The highest ticket seller will receive a $50.00 Keg Restaurant gift certificate; which has been donated to LLCRAS.

Mo Bradley Fishing Raffle – Starting June 1st we will launch our next raffle.  1,000 tickets at $5.00 each.

  • 1st Prize Adult Ice Fishing rod and reel plus 40 Mo Bradley Flies
  • 2nd Prize Child’s Ice Fishing rod and reel plus 50 Mo Bradley Flies
  • 3rd Prize Signed copy of Mo Bradley’s latest book “Trout School” written by Mark Hume with Mo Bradley.

Should you wish to buy or sell raffle tickets, contact Maureen (Moe) Morris at 250-459-7767 or visit

LLCRAS 2nd Annual Photo Contest –

Starts May 1st, 2021 and runs through to September 30th, 2021.

Great prizes and the top twelve photos will be featured in out Photo Contest Winners 2022 Fundraising Calendar.  Please see our website on how to enter and complete rules.


We reached out to the Ministry again to advise them the members/community are not in agreement with their approved location and are adamant the sign remain in the original proposed location.   Cindy Katchmar, Senior Development Officer with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure said we can install the sign at the original location (by the mail boxes) however we have to accept all liability and maintenance for the sign.  If this becomes an issue for road maintenance the sign will have to be relocated.

A contractor needs to install the sign and Highways needs 48 hrs notice prior to installation.

Unfortunately, the contractor Donald – Ivanhoe Loader Service Ltd., is extremely busy so we are left waiting until he is available or we will have to source out another contractor.

We inherited this unfinished project from the previous officers and directors who had started this process way back in 2016.

WELCOME:  We would like to welcome all of our new residents and members!  All new resident’s will receive a newly revised “Welcome to Loon Lake Package” to be distributed by our volunteer area canvassers.  If you have not received your welcome package or were somehow missed, please email and request your package today!

FAREWELL:  It is with great sadness we must say farewell to long-time residents, Norm & Diana Dixon who have called Loon Lake home for more than 17 years.  Both became involved with the community from the get go and have been active volunteers ever since.  Norm and Diana will be deeply missed.  They will be leaving the lake on May 31st in the afternoon, please join us in sending them off with lots of Loon Lake Love.  Time TBD and will be announced on Facebook.