February 2021 Newsletter

February 8, 2021

January Volunteer of the Month – We are pleased to announce the winner, Gail Frith, long time Loon Lake resident and an active member of the LLCRAS Art Committee.  Gail continues to share her wildlife photos with the community and recently donated her artistic talents to the LLCRAS Sunflower Project where she painted a small satellite dish soon to be displayed on the Community Hall grounds for others to enjoy.   Gail will have an opportunity to choose a prize from LLCRAS inventory of prize items in an upcoming contactless presentation by LLCRAS.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions we’ve had to cancel some 2020 annual events.  One of our most popular being the Winterfest auction, dinner and dance in February, postponed in hope that we can resurrect it in February 2022.  The El Donovan ATV run will have to wait until the May long weekend in 2022.  Activities such as general meetings, last hosted on October 30th, 2020, flea markets, pancake breakfast, horseshoe tournaments and live entertainment will be scheduled if and when we are able to safely host them in the coming months.

February is “Sharing Loon Lake Love” Month – What started out as a simple idea to put heart decorations in your home or yard has exploded!  Susanne Kavalec, LLCRAS Director, resident Loon Laker and member of the LLCRAS Art Committee is painting and donating split log heart signs to the Loon Lake Community. Susanne only asks that you display your sign, visible from the road, till February 28th.  Hopefully some of you will display it all year so everyone can enjoy the love and community spirit displayed through small acts of kindness. Soon you will see these signs popping up all over the place.  Signs are available on a first come first served basis.  Susanne already has over 30 orders to paint and deliver.  Should you wish to be put on the list for a LL Heart Sign please contact us at llcras.boardofdirectors@gmail.com.

LLCRAS Officers and Directors have been meeting regularly on a free Zoom online meeting platform to assist with day to day running of the Society.  Today we are pleased to announce that LLCRAS received a generous donation of a year’s subscription for Upgraded Zoom Meetings through Zoom Pro, from Bob Hillstrom.  If we are successful with trial runs; we will be able to schedule general meetings on Zoom for up to 100 people.

For those in the community that do not use a computer every effort will be made to supply an agenda in writing prior to these online meeting(s).  Change is sometimes hard to accept but this could become the new meeting format going forward due to Public Health Officer requirements and restrictions that do not appear to be relaxing anytime soon.

The Officers and Directors and other Volunteer Committee Members continue to look for ways to improve lifestyles and sports and leisure at Loon Lake.  A small community trail has been started on the community hall grounds with the hopes that with continued volunteer efforts there will be a fun, interactive trail to use either alternatively or in addition to walking along our roads.  We are still collecting and looking for donations of fun items to add to the trail such as chimes, whirly gigs, garden statues, painted rocks, small painted/or unpainted satellite dishes, fairy/bird houses, benches, picnic tables and chairs to sit on.

LLCRAS continues to apply for grant money to pay for required upgrades such as low e-windows, additional insulation and other improvements to help bring our aging hall, kitchen and bathrooms in line with today’s energy recommendations and Public Health requirements.  We will keep you apprised of the outcomes of these applications.  LLCRAS is currently applying for two gaming licenses for raffles of donated items and stand to make a good profit on these fundraisers similar to last year’s Fly-Fishing Tackle Box Raffle.  More news on this very soon.

There are dedicated Volunteers working on these grants and raffles and we wish to thank and encourage the Membership for your past, present and future show of support to those involved with the LLCRAS who are working diligently to have improvements accomplished for all of the Community’s enjoyment.

LLCRAS Membership Fees were due on January 1st for the year ending December 31, 2021.  Being a member in good standing ensures you will receive regular LLCRAS newsletters, have an opportunity to belong to our Members of LLCRAS Facebook page and vote on matters of importance or interest to this Community.  To pay your dues by e-transfer please go to  https://loonlakecommunity.ca/product/memberships/   We also accept cash/cheques to LLCRAS.  These are the best ways to pay so that LLCRAS does not to incur unnecessary banking fees using STRIPE.

Karen Macdonald, LLCRAS President
Maureen Morris, Vice President
Brenda Harrison, Treasurer
Kimm Davis, Secretary
Mary Ellen Graf, Moira (Mo) Passley, Gail Smith, Jenny Gaylard and Susanne Kavalec